Homecoming 2024

Who said you can’t go back?!

Over 450 alums did just that on October 5th when we gathered at our former campus to honor and thank the Daughters of Charity and lay faculty for all they taught us inside and outside of the classroom.

We celebrated our time at Marillac while connecting and reconnecting with each other during mass in the Theater, over lunch in the Student Center and while roaming the halls looking for our lockers, classrooms and all the places highlighted in the stories we shared.

Whether you were able to join us or not, click on the links below to see class photos, candids submitted by alums and our professional photographers from that day, some photos from back in the day, and the video from the mass:

Click to make a donation that will further the Youth Educational Programs of the Chicago mission of the Daughters of Charity - Marillac St. Vincent.