Inspired by the Daughters of Charity, Marillac High School Alumnae reconnect to advance the educational programs of the Daughters’ mission in Chicago: Marillac St. Vincent Family Services.
Reconnect and engage our alumnae:
- Connect with each other and the Daughters of Charity
- Strengthen our community through events
- Provide online, interactive opportunities
- Offer a variety of volunteer activities to meet alumnae needs
- Support the educational programs at Marillac St. Vincent with our monetary donations.
Continue the Daughters by supporting their Chicago area mission with our Time, Talent and Treasures:
To explore Marillac High School’s history, from its groundbreaking through the amazing years that encompased the magical years that have been referred to as Camelot.
Click to make a donation that will further the Youth Educational Programs of the Chicago mission of the Daughters of Charity - Marillac St. Vincent.